Wednesday, November 9, 2011

Wmdoran8 says:
I have been fasting for 4 days now. I stopped taking my pills first day Aug-3. My first day readings were, Test 141 at 8:30 am,Test 120 at 8:15 pm fruit juice and broth, Run for 1 hr.Aug 4, Test 119 at 7am, Test 154 at 10:45 am Test !56 with fruit juice Run and Enema.Test !56 at 2 :30 pm, run again Test 123 at 6:30 pm. Aug 5 ,Test 320 at 4 pm fruit juice, then Test 197 at 6:22 pm.
Aug 6 out of bed 7:15 Test 108 Run juice and enema, 126 at 10 :14, half a juice Test 146 at 1:46, juice ,Test 201 at 6:30, now Test 134 at 8:30. I am trying to get off the Pharma- pills. I would like more info on how people did it and am I going at this right.
My name is Bill D and I am 66 years old, VA hospital told me several years ago that I had diabetes and this is the only pill I have ever taken....

fasting is doing wonders...

1 comment:

  1. Ron says:

    Hi Bill, Kazmi (in the posts above) has had wonderful results fasting as a diabetic. He has given his information so anyone with a similar problem can contact him. I wrote his email address and phone below, if you would like to call or email him for advice. Ron

